Mr. Bear Austia proposes to his boyfriend on stage

Gabriel Yalda, a 26-year-old make-up artist and LGBT activist from Austria, was voted M.r Bear Austria 2016. On Friday (28 April) night, he narrowly lost out on becoming Mr. Bear Europe. After an online vote and a final performance in Cologne, the title went to Mr. Bear Netherlands, Henk Heijenga.

But runner-up Yalda had a surprise in store for the crowd, even before the final result was announced. In front of everyone, and under much cheering, he got on stage to propose to his 48-year-old partner, Csaba Toth – who currently holds the title of Mr. Bear Hungary. Keeping it short, sweet, and simple, Yalda asked: ‘Do you want to marry me?’ It was, of course, answered with a yes, even before he could get down on one knee and show Csaba his engagement ring.

‘I was really nervous, because it was shortly before the final,’ Yalda told

‘Nobody new of my plan and [I] had barely known what I should say because I was so nervous.’

So far the couple have not set a date when they will tie the knot.


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Zoli, a alapító szerkesztője.

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